Our mission is to mobilize faith communities, financial partners, and all segments of society towards ending human trafficking and creating new futures through community-based action.

Our vision is to see the vulnerable protected, captives set free, and the oppressed experiencing hope and healing as neighborhoods are transformed.
We seek to rebuild community.
We coach and equip hundreds of leaders to bring hope and healing to their own neighborhoods in more than 15 countries.
Set Free leaders and teams address the root causes of human trafficking in their neighborhoods, including poverty, racism, gender inequality, addiction, abuse, family brokenness, and more.
But we need everybody.
How we engage is as important as what we do.
Our ultimate goal is not only to seek justice but to pursue shalom. In order to do that, we strive to bring together all sectors of society :
Through Percent for Freedom, we engage business partners to help lead the fight for freedom in their communities while demonstrating relevancy through generous business practices. Percent for Freedom is a partnership program for businesses seeking to invest in new futures and raise awareness about human trafficking. By donating a percentage of their profits, businesses can be a vital part of the solution to end human trafficking.
Champions help fight human trafficking in creative ways. Learn more about becoming a Set Free Movement Champion today and take action in the direction of freedom!
Learn more about how you, your church, business, and community can fight human trafficking in ways that make sense in your local context. Join us today.